This website is intended to possibly help others just by telling my story but does not constitute the answer of an ailment.  Always seek medical advice from your primary care physician.  

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. There are also affiliate links.  I appreciate all of the support and comments on my website.  Cheers to healthy tummies! 

Sinus Infection Constantly An Issue-Try Using A Neti Pot

Having a sinus infection can be the absolute worse thing to deal with that entails a lot of yellow mucus along with pain, so to avoid them in the future as I have-using a neti pot is the best, inexpensive solution.  

Once you have an infection; using a neti pot does not help at this point. 

At this point, you must of course contact your primary care physician to be put on antibiotics in order to clear up your infection. 

But you can prevent the sinus infection by continuing to clear your sinuses with the neti.

Prevent The Infection Before It Starts

If you are constantly getting a sinus infection, think about certain things that happen prior to you getting the infection such as an

  • increase in pollen due to season changes, 
  • perfumes that may be causing your body to react, 
  • household chemicals you may have an allergy towards, 
  • a food that you may have developed an allergy towards 
  • or even a new pet.

Once you feel your body reacting such as

  • nasal congestion, 
  • sneezing, etc. 

this is a sign that you may possibly have an allergy towards something.

 At this point, it is important for you to get the mucus out.  If you don't, the mucus will continue to build within your sinuses causes sinusitis, ear infection and possibly pink eye.  

It will continue to build eventually dripping down causing

Getting The Mucus Out
Different Ways to Expel The Mucus


  1. Blow Your Nose
  2. Use an Irrigation Method-Saline Spray/Drops and/or Neti Pot
  3. Take A Really Good Decongestant


  1. Blow Your Nose (of course depending on the age, your toddler may not comprehend this just yet) or Use An Aspirator
  2. Use Saline Spray/Drops
  3. Sit in a steamy bathroom with your little one to loosen up the mucus  and then try saline drops followed with the aspirator (I've done this so many times); Consult your child's prediatrician about using a decongestant-at this age it must be prescribed. 

I hope this information has helped you.  Please comment and share if it has. xo, V❤️

About Me

I am a mom of two and wife who looks for natural options and who knows a thing or two about the neti pot as well as resolving my stomach pain.  I love mine and can't imagine life without it.  Sounds funny, huh? But so true!! Read more about me..

Follow Me on You Tube for great videos and tips!  I hope this website helps and that you find relief too!  Please share if it has.

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