This website is intended to possibly help others just by telling my story but does not constitute the answer of an ailment.  Always seek medical advice from your primary care physician.  

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. There are also affiliate links.  I appreciate all of the support and comments on my website.  Cheers to healthy tummies! 

Constant Stomach Pain 

Constant stomach pain is something that many people experience with unfortunately no relief insight.  This can be so frustrating especially when physicians cannot find the reasoning behind it.  This can discourage people from finding the answer while also causing some to become depressed because of lack of hope.  

I've experienced constant stomach pain not knowing the root cause which started around 2009. After discovering that it was from major, major inflammation aka lots of mucus in my stomach in 2012 and after taking medication for it in the form of antihistamines and allergy shots, I was determined to remedy it naturally without so much medication .  

Has it been easy?

Well anything that takes a little bit more time and patience, tends to be more trying.  It has been a journey of discovery.  

My Constant Stomach Pain Symptoms

I experienced awful, awful 

  • bloating and gas
  • painful stomach cramps

Pretty painful experience.  

How Did I Remedy Them?

As of today, March 2015, I partake in various natural methods to manage my inflammation.  

Because at one point, I was taking a ton of antibiotics due to my sinus infections.  I now make a point to take a probiotic in the morning to incorporate good bacteria back in.  

I also use a natural anti-inflammatory and fish oils to help combat the inflammation.  

Digestive enzymes are amazing too since they help breakdown the proteins in certain foods.  

I am happy to say that I am now able to eat certain foods in moderation like dairy and nuts that before I had a really hard time digesting.  Though I eat these and other sensitive foods, I continue to eat them in moderation.  

Something To Think About

Always consult your physician if you are experiencing stomach pain in which it seems like there's no end it sight, but in the mean time take notice of other symptoms when the pain rears its head.  

Is hay fever present?  Such as sneezing, congestion, etc>

If so, this could be a sign that your body is rejecting something.  The next step is to figure out what that something is.  It could be environmental such as pollen, dander, etc. or food related.  

Look at the season change and/or start keeping a food journal everyday.  

Or pay a visit to an allergist where an allergy test can be completed to determine allergens that could be affecting your body. 

Good Luck on finding healthy solutions. 

I hope this information has helped you.  Please comment and share if it has. xo, V❤️

About Me

I am a mom of two and wife who looks for natural options and who knows a thing or two about the neti pot as well as resolving my stomach pain.  I love mine and can't imagine life without it.  Sounds funny, huh? But so true!! Read more about me..

Follow Me on You Tube for great videos and tips!  I hope this website helps and that you find relief too!  Please share if it has.

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