This website is intended to possibly help others just by telling my story but does not constitute the answer of an ailment. Always seek medical advice from your primary care physician.
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Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and honey combined may not seem like a typical pick me up when you're feeling like a cold is getting to rear its ugly head but don't be fooled. Old remedy or not, it's the best natural option since sliced bread!
And when it comes to ACV, Braggs brand is the best because it has the 'Mother'. Keep reading...
After I started drinking Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and Honey as an adult, memories flooded my mind of being giving this same concoction as a child. It's funny because I really never pondered the reasoning why I was given this until I started drinking it again. And what's really funny is that I now give this to the kiddos when they start to get those scratchy throats and sniffles to face it head on.
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Well, they are both natural. That's always great for starters!! Apple cider vinegar helps rid the body of toxins while honey helps with inflammation. When they are put together in a tea form mixed with water, they offer a powerful punch. Not to mention that the honey does make it tastes a whole lot better. And besides without the honey, you may never want to drink it again! Haha..
With the wonderful anti-inflammatory properties, I've found that these two together helps tremendously with digestion!! It's quite amazing!!
When I feel like I'm coming down with something, what I've discovered is that the ACV tea helps break down the inflammation which ultimately helps my sinuses as well as digestion since the body is very well connected. And as a result, it immediately acts as a pick me up! Woohoo and who doesn't need that especially during these Corona times.
Braggs to me is the best! It's in its purest form which is what is essential. It's been around for years! And it has the 'Mother' which other brands tend not to have.
What is the 'Mother' you may ask? It is known to be the healthiest part of the vinegar which contains acetic acid, friendly bacteria and enzymes. It looks dark and stringy. Most brands take this portion out but Braggs always keeps it which makes them the best.
Yep, they do! And they don't mind it, which is surprising, just along as the ACV and honey tea has enough honey in it.
I'll give them this when they start to come down with the sniffles or when they are starting to sound a bit scratchy in their voices which is so much better than waiting for it to get worse and then having to give them medication.
Again, this concoction really helps break down the inflammation which helps keep them healthy.
So whatever you decide, just don't knock it until you try it!
I hope this information has helped you. Please comment and share if it has. xo, V❤️
I am a mom of two and wife who looks for natural options and who knows a thing or two about the neti pot as well as resolving my stomach pain. I love mine and can't imagine life without it. Sounds funny, huh? But so true!! Read more about me..
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