This website is intended to possibly help others just by telling my story but does not constitute the answer of an ailment.  Always seek medical advice from your primary care physician.  

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. There are also affiliate links.  I appreciate all of the support and comments on my website.  Cheers to healthy tummies! 

Allergy Relief

Allergy relief can encompass a ton of unwanted medication.  As a mom and someone who does not like to use a ton of medication, I am happy that I was able to find great natural solutions for our allergies with medication being used minimally.  

I Use To Get Allergy Shots For My Allergy Relief

Believe it or not, once I got my allergies under control, my stomach would not hurt as often.   

When I was on allergy shots and taking allergy medication twice a day for relief, I noticed that my constant stomach pain had gone away but the issue for me was that I was on too much medication and I did not want to continue with this routine.  

Well, we ended up moving and I just decided to not continue.  So the move actually forced me to go the natural route.  

Welp it's now 2021, fast forward 7 years and now I back on them.  I'm very excited about it actually.  

Relief From My Allergies Helped My Stomach Pain

Yes, indeed!  It did help my stomach.

You're probably thinking how.  Well because once I managed the inflammation, my stomach did not hurt as often.  

When I have an allergy reaction, it's simply my body's way of fighting off something which in return causes inflammation.  

As I stated before, my inflammation was initially managed with shots via my allergy testing results as well as allergy medication but then I discovered natural means that could help my body which was much better for my body in the long run.  

Natural Relief

My kiddos and my natural relief regiment consists of:

  • using a neti pot consistently (we each have our own)
  • Xylitol (natural nasal spray versus Nasonex)
  • digestive enzymes

 yes, enzymes too! we love enzymes because they help break down foods that aren't easily digestible, or foods that we have sensitivities to.  It helps us with bloating due to inflammation.  

When embracing natural solutions, it's a process that should be ongoing.  I must say that not only one thing has provided my kiddos and myself but numerous solutions.  More of a holistic approach.  

Other Things For Allergy Relief

As a allergy sufferer, there are other things that I have done to help with the awful hay fever, such as:

  • Minimizing open windows in the home (Turn on the A.C)
  • Changing air filters regularly
  • Dust and vacuum regularly...allergens can build up 
  • Wearing a mask while gardening or cutting the grass

These that are just some things that I can think of but I'm sure there are other ways that could provide much relief.  

I hope this information has helped you.  Please comment and share if it has. xo, V❤️

About Me

I am a mom of two and wife who looks for natural options and who knows a thing or two about the neti pot as well as resolving my stomach pain.  I love mine and can't imagine life without it.  Sounds funny, huh? But so true!! Read more about me..

Follow Me on You Tube for great videos and tips!  I hope this website helps and that you find relief too!  Please share if it has.

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